====================================================================== Title : Name of your level Filename : Ice.map Author : Ryan Flynn E-mail : icedude121@aol.com Web Page : http://members.aol.com/icedude121/index.html Misc. Author Info : I am a 13 year old boy that loves duke. I made this level just by making a shape and adding as i learned more Other Levels : I am currently working on ICEHOUSE.MAP which is a replica of my real house Description : This is my first level which may seem a little weird at first but is really pretty cool.The main levels textures are a little strange but i made it like that so in coop you could see your opponents easily. In this map their is alot of humor like a OJ Simpson room. There is a karate dojo,ryans room, dans room, etc. Their is tons of secrets that are really hard to find.Try using dnshowmap or the build editor to find things. There is a car going around almost all the level underwater areas and traps that can lock your opponent out of a room.CLUE: TRY TO FIND THE LIGHTER WALLS IN THE LEVEL. This level also has tons of girls!!!figures i am 13!And all of the enemies are made of ice so they are much harder to kill. Additional Credits To : I would like to thank 3d realms for making the best shooter out there[so far] and all the guys maps i looked off of to find out how to make certain things in build. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : user map Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Just one but very hard! Plutonium Pak Required : No New Art : No New Music : No New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : No Demos Replaced : No New colors :yes, most of the guys are blue I have also included a cheat.txt to help you with secrets. ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD ENGINE Art Editor(s) Used : just the pallette to change colors Construction Time : MY FIRST LEVEL SO ABOUT 5 MONTHS Known Bugs : The car sometimes goes through walls at corners,by the beginning in a little hallway with luke skywalker on the ceiling the wall to the left dissapears. * Where to get this MAP file * File location : DUKEWORLD.COM ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Just copy to your duke3d directory WARNING!!!!!! : I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ANGRY PARENTS AND SO ON DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK OTHER: THERE ARE MANY CAMERAS IN THE LEVEL SO YOU CAN SPY ON PEOPLE I have included a cheat.txt file to help you with secrets and strategies ====================================================================== Currently working on: Ice.cons, Icehouse.map IMPORTANT: IF YOU EVER NEED ANY HELP ON FINDING ANYTHING E-MAIL ME AT ICEDUDE121@AOL.COM DONT GIVE UP:)